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Mr. Schneider welcomes one and all to Chess Club, especially new members! We meet every day at lunch in Room 24. Bring your lunch and come play! Most days we play for fun, but twice a week club members play against each other for standings on our chess club ladder.

Chess Team

If you are more serious about playing chess, you can also join the school's Chess Team. Team members meet on Fridays after school for additional coaching by Mr. Schneider. Throughout the year, the Egan Chess Team plays chess tournaments with other middle schools and even Los Altos High School. The culmination of the tournament season is the state championship tournament in the spring. Please see Mr. Schneider if you're interested in joining Chess Team.

We will take turns bringing snacks on Fridays--check the snack schedule to remember when it's your turn.

Egan Chess Championships -- open to all Egan students!

The annual Egan chess championship tournament, near the end of the school year, is open to any Egan student who would like to play! Please come join us!

Egan Chess Championships, May 25, 2007

Calchess State Championship, April 2007

Mr. Schneider, our chess instructor!

Teachers vs. Chess Team (December 15, 2006)

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Updated:8/9/13 1:07 AM