Magazine Drive a huge success this year! The students have surpassed their goal by collecting $83,000 in magazine sales, half of which goes to Egan School. Congratulations! 47 students will be participating in the Limo Lunch event and in the next few weeks the teaching staff will have the opportunity to face the student body at the dunk tank! Thank you goes out to all the parent volunteers that helped make this fundraiser a success!
Any questions about the Magazine Drive, please email: Egan Magazine Drive Chairperson.
Why Magazine Drive?
The fall magazine drive is Egan School's only major fundraiser. We sell new and renewed magazine subscriptions to earn money for Egan and to win exciting prizes. The student council uses the funds for school needs such as materials for the electives program, the physical education program, the school library, noon league activities, school dances, tutorial programs, equipment and campus improvements.
Please buy and renew your subscriptions only from our Egan students!
2007 Sales Goal: $80,000 in subscription sales, which means $40,000 profit for Egan.
Exciting Prize Program:Once identified sales milestones are reached, students become eligible to win exciting prizes such as attending a live concert at school, ping pong for cash, the ever-popular limo lunch and much more!
Sales Tips: Buy and renew your own family subscriptions as well as ask friends, neighbors, parents' co-workers, and relatives to buy or renew their subscriptions. Online ordering will also be available. More specific sales information and tips are outlined on an information sheet included with the sales catalog.
Volunteer Help: Parent help is needed to collect orders, distribute prizes, and tally sales orders. Please sign up at the "Back-to-School" Coffee or contact us directly. Your support is truly appreciated! Download the Volunteer List (Excel).
Please read ORDERING DETAILS prior to selling!