Portfolio Day — June 5 during English classes
Egan will hold its annual Portfolio Day this year on Thursday, June 5th. Through personal interviews with community members and parents, students will showcase the academic achievements of their two years at Egan. Each student shares his or her most personally valuable work in a ten-minute presentation. The role of adult participants is to provide positive feedback, ask pertinent questions and help students celebrate their achievements. This is a mandatory dress-up occasion for students, faculty and adult volunteers.
This is a unique Egan event that is momentous in the lives of our students. Both 7th and 8th grade parents are invited to participate. We match a group of 3-4 students with 2-3 adult volunteers, so we need many volunteers. Please consider volunteering by either interviewing students (time requirement is roughly 2 hours between the hours of 7:45 and 3:00) or by providing refreshments. Look for an information and sign-up sheet coming home with your student in mid-April, or sign up on line.
If you have questions, please email: 8th Grade Portfolio Day Coordinators.