Egan Junior High School Home Page


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Starting School

I am sure many of you are seeing an increase in excitement and stress in your student. Junior high school is a stimulating environment. Seven classes, seven teachers, over 500 students who are similar in age, and puberty on top of that, all make for an exciting time.

As you have questions or concerns about what goes on here, please call me (917-2211) or e-mail me. There are many new social skills being developed and tried out; some with great success and some not so successful. As your student has their ups and downs, remember that we all lived through this and they will too. The question is, will you live through it. I think it is more difficult for parents to go through this stage than for students. As parents, we usually hear more about their stressful experiences than their fun experiences. They are hoping we can help them with the things they have not been able to solve. The fun and easy things that happen each day are usually not brought home as problems.

Some of you may have noticed that your student does not share as much as they did in elementary school. When they do share, it is important to listen until they are done. Adolescents often say “My parents don’t listen to me.” After they have shared their complete story it may be appropriate to ask some questions. Listening as openly as possible to their answers.

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Study Habits

School has started and the studying has begun. During junior high school years, we hope our students develop good study habits. We all know that good study habits are essential for high school and college success.

A positive attitude is important when doing something difficult. A positive attitude will help your child work through the difficult homework assignments. Students often get their positive attitude from their parents. You affirmation of their ability to successfully complete their homework is helpful.

Egan school has developed a homework calendar through Google. Your student has a password to access their personal Google homework calendar. All homework assignments will be posted on this calendar. Each day, your students should check this calendar to verify that they have completed all necessary assignments.

Additional study skills and habits include:

  • Ensure that all necessary books and materials are available to successfully complete the homework.
  • Try to set aside the same time each day to complete the homework.
  • Set up a study area.
  • Some students need breaks built into their homework time.
  • Break long term assignments into smaller subtasks. (Many teachers will have check in dates for the subtasks.)
  • Remember to turn in your homework.

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Some Egan students find it helpful to have a person other than their parents help them with their homework. This can be beneficial to the parent/child relationship.

The only caution I make is to watch out that the tutor does not start using their vocabulary in your child’s written reports. Each year, well-meaning tutors subtly change the student’s word choice. Our teachers need to read what your student writes in their own words. It is the student’s writing that the teacher can then help improve.

We have one request regarding tutors. Please do not have them call the teachers. Our teachers have 140 students. They are very busy. The tutor can find the assignments on Google. If they have other questions, they can always call me.

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Updated:8/9/13 1:36 AM