Egan Junior High School Home Page


Office Secretary Office Clerk
Kris Hamilton Elisabeth Harfeldt

Hours:   8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday

Office: (650) 917-2200
Fax: (650) 949-3748
Attendance: (650) 917-2200

Visitors on Campus

All visitors please register immediately in the office upon entering the school grounds.

Visits during school hours should first be arranged through the office or with the teacher. If a conference is desired, an appointment should be scheduled with the teacher during non-instructional time.


If you will be absent, your parents must call the office to report your absence. Phone calls or notes are required by the state auditor for absences and tardies. When returning to school, check in at the office BEFORE going to class. Your absence will be verified.


If you are less than two minutes late to first period, you should go directly to class, otherwise you must report to the office first for an admit slip. The only types of "tardy" the state excuses are medical appointments and illness.


If you must leave school for an appointment during the day, you must bring a note from your parents to the OFFICE BEFORE SCHOOL, before going to first period, in order to get an appointment slip. Every time you leave school early or come late, you MUST check in/out through the office.

Forgotten Items

If your child forgets his/her lunch, band instrument, PE uniform or any other item, please bring and leave the items in the office for your child to pick up.

Please read Egan's Attendance and Visitor Policies in the Egan Handbook.

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Updated:8/9/13 1:37 AM