Private schools start having open house events in the fall. They usually hand out applications and encourage parents to complete them as soon as possible.
The application is in two parts. The first part is for the family to complete. The second portion is for the school to complete. The information the schools ask for is seventh and eighth grade records, STAR test results, and usually two letters of recommendation from the student's teachers. Egan administrators complete the forms at the end of the first semester, as the private schools want semester grades.
The process is fairly easy. The parents give the transcript requests and letter of recommendation forms to Mr. McClain. He develops a spread sheet with all Egan required information and ensures that all of the forms are completed and mailed on time. Mr. McClain indicated that Egan students usually do very well at the surrounding private schools.
Using St. Francis High School as an example, here is a timeline of what to expect:
- Late August online application and shadow program sign-ups.
- October 28 – Open House
- January 5 & 19 – Placement test
- January 11 – Application due
- Late January – Student interviews
- March 14 – Decision letters mailed
Open Houses for Harker (High School level) are November 11 and December 3.
If you are considering a private school, look into it as early as possible.