SELPA — Special Education Local Plan Area
Is Your Child Struggling in School? — A Parent's Resource
All of our events are free and open to anyone who feels they might benefit. No registration is necessary.
May 14th 2008 from 9 – 11AM
Speaker Stephen Johnson, Director of Character Education at Santa Clara University, Dick Loftus, Supervising Judge of Juvenile Court, Roy Bennett, an attorney from LACY (Legal Advocate for Children & Youth), and Lynne Woodward, therapist & President of the Board of Directors of Friends Outside whose mission is to serve the incarcerated & their families to reduce incarceration. What happens when your special needs child ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time? How to avoid encounters with police & the juvenile justice system, plus dos & don’ts if that happens. What every parent of special needs children should know to keep their kids out of trouble
This parent education event is sponsored by the SELPA 1 CAC. All of our events are free and open to anyone who feels they might benefit. No registration is necessary.