Table of Contents
- Academic Requirements
- Required Materials
- Homework Policy
- Report Cards, Blue Cards, Homework Club
- PowerSchool
- Teacher-Parent Conferences
- Testing
- Counseling and Guidance
- Dress Code
- Expectations for a Viking (School Rules)
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Substance Abuse Policy
- Technology Use Policy
- Activities - Participation
- Announcements
- Bikes, Roller Blades and Skateboards
- Dances
- Honors Assemblies and Student Awards
- Lost and Found
- Lunch and Brunch
- Magazine Drive
- Student Council
- Student Store
- Telephones
- Textbooks
- Valuables
- Emergency Information — Student Profile Form
- Emergency Procedures — During an Emergency
- Hearing & Scoliosis Screening
- Medication
- AIDS Prevention and Sex Education Instruction Policy
- Pedestrian and Bike Rider Safety at Egan
If you will be absent, your parents must call the office to report your absence. Phone calls or notes are required by the state auditor for absences and tardies. When returning to school, check in at the office BEFORE going to class. Your absence will be verified.
If you are less than two minutes late to first period, you should go directly to class, otherwise you must report to the office first for an admit slip. The only types of "tardy" the state excuses are medical appointments and illness.
If you must leave school for an appointment during the day, you must bring a note from your parents to the office BEFORE SCHOOL, before going to first period, in order to get an appointment slip. Every time you leave school early or come late, you MUST check in/out through the office.
Homework – Procedure for Requesting When Absent
We encourage students who are absent to contact classmates or check PowerSchool for homework assignments. On the morning of the third day of calling in an illness, your parents may request homework. You are given one week to complete homework for an absence of 3-5 days. If you are absent longer than this, your parents should make special arrangements with Egan's Counselor.
Egan is a closed campus. This means you are expected to remain on campus during school hours (including lunch) unless arrangements have been made by your parent prior to the beginning of the school day.
To ensure the safety of
students and staff and avoid interruption of the instructional program, the law
requires that all visitors register immediately upon entering the school
(Penal Code 627.7)
No adult may take a child from campus if they are not on the child's Emergency Data Sheet. Please be sure to update information if you change jobs, phone numbers, emergency contacts or any other pertinent information.
Visits during school hours should first be arranged through the office or with
the teacher. If a conference is desired, an appointment should be scheduled
with the teacher during non-instructional time.
These are items students need to be prepared for class each day. Certain classes may require additional items; teachers will inform their students of these items.
- Binder with dividers and lined paper
- Pen and pencils in a pouch
- Egan Assignment Book should be used daily. Parents are encouraged to check regularly.
- Textbooks (only Spanish needs to be carried.)
- P.E. uniform
- Math teachers will give requirements for calculators.
Physical Education
All students must wear a complete Egan P.E. uniform, including athletic shoes.
Safety: Students must remove neck and ear jewelry during P.E. and After School Sports. If a student needs to be excused from P.E. for more than three days, a doctor's note is required.
Homework usually takes an average student 60-180 minutes to complete. Students with a foreign language may have more homework, as well as long term projects.
BACKGROUND: The value of homework is often questioned today, especially when students participate in so many other activities outside school and when teachers become frustrated with the number of students who do not complete homework assignments. However, homework remains an important part of effective teaching when used as an extension of the classroom.
Studies have been conducted to assess the value of homework in terms of student achievement, yielding the finding that one of the most influential school-based factors contributing to student learning is the amount of time spent on homework. (Habits of Mind) One study stated the basic purposes of homework: practice, preparation, elaboration. Practice homework is the reinforcement of familiar concepts that need to be refined. Preparation focused homework exposes a student to a concept that the class will study in-depth on the next school day. Elaboration facilitates the exploration of related concepts. Before assigning any type of homework, effective teachers establish guidelines that include the following information:
- Purpose for the assignment.
- Amount of homework that will be assigned.
- Expectations for completion of the homework as well as consequences for not completing it.
- Types and amount of assistance from parents considered appropriate.
At Egan, we follow these practices:
PURPOSE: Homework provides an opportunity for students to practice/apply what they are learning. Research shows that homework is an important component to students' academic success.
HOMEWORK ASSIGNED: Homework is assigned Monday - Friday (although only advanced math classes regularly give homework on Friday nights). Each core class (English, math, science, and history) is allotted 30 minutes 4x's a week, equaling 120 minutes weekly.
ELECTIVES are optional, so the homework assigned in an elective is not part of the 480 minutes, 8 hours, of homework each student can be assigned weekly.
Report Cards, Blue Cards, Homework Club
REPORT CARDS are issued once per quarter. Report cards may be held because of lost or overdue library materials, sports uniforms or classroom lab fees.
BLUE CARDS are sent by each teacher each quarter to alert a parent that a student is having difficulty in a subject. Teachers fill out a blue sheet (it used to be a blue card and the name blue card remains) and highlight the areas where your student is having difficulty. Upon receiving these notices, we recommend you call the teacher and develop a plan to help the student succeed.
If a student receives two grades of C- or lower, a D or an F in English, history, math, or science, he/she will be required to attend HOMEWORK CLUB in the library, every day Monday through Thursday, from 3:00-3:45 PM for 2 weeks, or until the below C grades are brought up. Teachers volunteer their time to help students in Homework Club because we believe it makes a difference for our students.
REMEMBER: you can use PowerSchool to view your child’s progress at all times.
NOTE: both report cards and blue cards are mailed to your home.
PowerSchool is an innovative web-based parent and student information system. After you receive your own password, you will be able to read our daily announcements, catch up on your student’s class assignments, and check out your student’s grades. See using PowerSchool for additional information.
On the Monday before Thanksgiving, teachers will be
available for short conferences. 2007 Parent Teacher Conference Letter (PDF)
These conferences will provide an opportunity for parents to meet with the
teachers individually and discuss your child’s progress. Hopefully, these
short, informal contacts will give you a chance to gain a general sense of how
your child is doing in each class. These conferences are not a time for major
in-depth discussions or serious problem-solving. Appointments for longer
conferences can be made through the office. Please call and leave a message for
the teacher or email Egan's counselor.
Standardized achievement tests (STAR) are administered to 7th and 8th grade students in the spring. Results will be mailed home during the summer.
Egan’s Counselor, located in the main office, is available to discuss any of your concerns and thoughts. Junior high students often encounter small problems with schedules, homework, assignments, friends, parents, test taking, teachers, grades, and completing assignments. Don’t let a little problem become a big problem! The counselor is ready to help you with your problems. When you would like to see the counselor, just call or come in to the office and request an appointment. Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC) is available for group discussions and one-on-one counseling. Parental permission is required to participate in CHAC led sessions.
Any student not making satisfactory academic or social progress will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the student’s teachers, counselor and principal (School Study Team.) Parents will be contacted when a conference is needed. A parent may also request a conference.
Parents may request a Weekly Report to be circulated by the student each Friday. This report indicates if a student is missing any work that week.
Using PowerSchool will help you determine if your student is missing any work.
NOTE TO PARENTS: Please feel free to call the counselor at any time. Whether if you are interested in information regarding student progress, a concern your child has voiced at home, general information, or interest in a parent discussion group, please call:
Contact Egan's Counselor: Email Mr.
McClain, call him at (650) 917-2211
or visit Egan Counselor's Page for more information.
We trust our students to make appropriate decisions about dress and we discuss this issue in Health Guidance and PE classes. Additionally, we do enforce our dress code and may ask you to replace an inappropriate shirt or shorts with your PE shirt or shorts, or call home to request different clothes.
D iscretion of parents and school personnel
R epresentative of Egan (Vikings come to school prepared to learn)
E xclude extremes
Girls tank tops must cover midsection, not show cleavage, cover bra straps
Boys tank tops do not include undershirts
S hoes are required
S hort shorts/skirts are not acceptable
C leanliness
O ff with hats when teachers ask
D ress neatly
E xhibit good taste
All students at Egan are members of the Egan student body. Student Body cards are distributed in the fall.
Student body members have both rights and responsibilities:
- Students will treat all staff, substitute teachers, guests of the school, and fellow students with respect.
- Students will be on time to all classes.
- Students will be prepared and bring all materials to class each day.
- Students will not chew gum on campus.
- Students will not eat or drink in class.
- Students will carefully maintain school and private property. Vandalizing, stealing or defacing property is prohibited. Students who violate this rule could be suspended or expelled.
- Students will not use foul language or profanity at school.
- Students will place paper, garbage, and litter in trash cans.
- Students will follow proper procedures when leaving school. Remember, Egan School is a closed campus and you must sign-out in the office.
- Students will not bring prohibited items to school: examples of prohibited items include weapons - guns, knives, slingshots (or facsimile thereof), fireworks, etc.; tobacco - cigarette lighters, matches; alcohol; and drugs. Bringing these items will result in suspension or expulsion. We do follow a zero tolerance policy.
- Students will not fight on campus or at any school function. This will result in suspension.
- Students will not ride bicycles, roller blades or skateboards on school grounds. Dolerites and Skateboards must be safely stored in storage bins in the bike cage during the school day.
- Discmen, MP3 players, iPods, etc. are not allowed to be used on campus at brunch, lunch or between classes. They may be used in individual classrooms at teacher’s discretion.
- Cell phones are not to be seen or heard during school hours. This means both in class and on school grounds. Please do not wear on the outside of clothes. Staff members will take the cell phone away if they see it or hear it and parents will be called to pick it up.
- Parents, if you have a REAL EMERGENCY please call the school office and NOT YOUR CHILD’S CELL PHONE.
- Squirt guns and laser pointers are not allowed at school.
- Cameras and video cameras may not be brought to school without prior authorizations from the administration.
- Students are always representatives of Egan School. Conduct yourselves in an appropriate manner while on field trips, at sporting events, or at any other school activity.*
* If appropriate behavior is not maintained when off campus, parents will be called and asked to pick up their student.
CONSEQUENCES: (consequences will be determined by the severity of the offense)
In the classroom:
Student will receive a warning from the teacher. After warnings, teacher may:
- Ask the student to stand outside the room for a few minutes (not to exceed 5 minutes)
- Contact parent
- Send student to the office on a referral
- Assign after school detention (In accordance with the Ed Code, students may be detained by school personnel up to 60 minutes on any given day)
- Suspend a student from their classroom. If this occurs parent will be called immediately
When student is referred to the office:
After discussing the issue with the student, office administration may:
- Assign lunch duty, detention, written response, or a school service project
- Contact parent
- Remove school privileges
- Suspend or expel student from school
Computers and Internet technology are an exciting new resource available for students to explore and utilize at school. You can do many outstanding things with these, however, you are responsible for using them correctly and not using them inappropriately.
Students are expected to exhibit responsible behavior when using school computers and the computer network just as they are responsible for their behavior throughout the school day. School rules for behavior of students also apply to communication and network usage. Parents are responsible for making sure their child understands appropriate use of these technologies in the same manner that they are responsible for making sure their child understands school rules.
The network is provided for students to conduct research. During school, teachers will guide students in the access and use of appropriate network materials when these technologies are necessary for the completion of assigned or extra credit work. Independent access to network services is provided for students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Network administrators may review files and communication to maintain system integrity and to ensure that students are using the system responsibly. Since communication on the network is public, users should expect files stored on school servers to remain private.
Parental permission is required in order for minors to use these services. Signing of the Student Handbook Agreement indicates parental permission has been granted. Users of these technologies will comply with district standards and will honor all copyright laws of the provided network services. Outside of school, parents must bear responsibility for guidance of their child as he/she uses the network in the same manner that they deal with the use of other information sources such as television, telephones, movies, radio, and other media which could be potentially offensive.
Rules for correct use of the computer labs and Internet use!
- Be conscious of both the earth and school’s resources. Do not waste paper, printer ink, disks, disk memory, or server memory.
- Teacher ‘s permission is required before a student scans, prints to the color laser printer; prints internet files, frames, or web sites; or prints multiple page documents.
- Use the computer lab and Internet for educational purposes. Obtain teacher permission downloading files. Students are not permitted to download any programs from a disk, cd-rom, or the internet without 1Dern1issioi from the teacher (this includes plug-ins and programs/software such as Telnet.)
- Respect the privacy of others. Never try to learn another person’s password or to access files or e-mail.
- Communicating via e-mail or chat-rooms is prohibited unless directed by a teacher for a class assignment.
- Appropriate language must be used when using the lab, verbally or in written format of any kind (including Internet usage lime). Slang, vulgarity and innuendos are examples of inappropriate language. Never write, print, or display offensive or obscene language, music, videos, or pictures to others on the computer screen or print and show to others.
- Respect the property of others. Trespassing, altering, deleting, damaging or destroying computer systems, programs, files, folders, disks, mice, keyboards, or the work created by others will not be tolerated.
- Using or attempting to use, passwords or other type programs which secure the system or the work of teachers and administrators or installing programs that manipulate any portion of the computer system is prohibited. Any activity that disrupts the smooth running of the network or computers in any way, viruses or other type programs included, will not be tolerated. Students are not allowed to change the control panels, system setting, or go into the “Administrator” folder unless authorized to do so by the network administrator.
- Never damage computers (hardware or software), computer systems, computer networks, or take any computer equipment (hardware, mouse balls, software). Always report any misuse of the computer lab or Internet to the supervising teacher.
- Harassing, insulting, or attacking individuals or organizations while in the computer lab is inappropriate in any form and will not be tolerated. This includes verbal comments and printed formats.
- Respect the work of others. Do not use ideas or writings from another person without giving credit to the author (plagiarism). Information retrieved from the Internet must be properly cited, giving credit to the author. This includes audio, video, or any visual information of any kind. Be aware of copyright laws and do not violate them. Copyrighted information, audio or visual of any kind, may not be used or sold unless the right to do so has been purchased from the owner of the data.
- Using the school network for profit or commercial purposes is prohibited.
- Exercise good judgment in visiting sites. Visit only those sites which are relevant to the topic you are researching. Students may not visit any an appropriate site that contains objectionable material. If you have any questions about the appropriate nature of a site, ask your supervising teacher for permission before visiting the site.
- Time on the Internet is valuable. Use it wisely. Do not download large files or spend more time on the Internet than is necessary to obtain the information needed for academic assignments.
- The computers and Internet are for educational purposes only. Games are not allowed to be played on computers the computer lab. This includes games hosted on the internet, unless approval has been given by your teacher and the network administrator.
- Remember that the Internet is a public place and privacy is not guaranteed. Every message sent or received can he read by others and every “stop” made while one is exploring can be tracked by other users.
- File sharing between computers or across the network is not permitted unless authorized by the network administrator.
- Obtain teacher’s permission before playing files containing sound (music, audio, video, sound clips.) Earphones must be used when listening to such files.
- Due to copyright issues at press time, MP3’s and other music files are not allowed to be copied to any type of media: disk, CD-ROM, server. They can only be used in projects when authorized by the computer teacher. MP3’s and other music files are not to be used for any other use.
Depending upon the severity of the infraction, a student may receive one or more of the following consequences:
- Restricted or loss of access to either school computers or to the Internet.
- Discipline consistent with existing policies regarding the use of inappropriate language or behavior.
- Law enforcement agencies may be involved if there is illegal use of the Internet or intentional damage to computer equipment (hardware or software).
This is a compilation of Palo Alto Unified School District, Blach, Los Gatos Union School District, and Egan acceptable use policies. Thanks to all for sharing their thoughts and ideas regarding this matter.
SCHOOL DAY – Knowing What’s Going on …. |
Students must be aware that attending school activities is a privilege. At any time during the year, including end-of-year activities, students exhibiting poor citizenship or low academic achievement risk being excluded from school activities.
The Video Production class produces Daily Announcements which are broadcast each morning on KEGN-TV (Egan's in-house channel). It is up to you to listen and remember the messages. The announcements are also posted in PowerSchool.
Bikes, Roller blades and Skateboards
A Bike Cage is provided for students' use. Park and lock bicycles at your own risk. The Bike Cage is locked during regular school hours only. Students should register their bike and keep a record of the serial number. Roller blades and skateboards are stored in bins in the Cage.
Dances are held in the Egan multi-purpose room and are for Egan students only. Tickets go on sale the week of the dance. Tickets will cost more at the door. There are no in-out privileges at dances. To attend, you must have been at school at least 4 periods of the day of the dance. Dances are from 7 to 9pm. All students MUST be picked up by 9:15pm.
Honors Assemblies and Student Awards
Egan provides quarterly Honor Roll Assemblies for students. This includes a slide show of all students honored for the quarter. Students honored receive a certificate and a metal "dog tag" for their backpack. See Student Awards for additional information.
Check in the office for lost items. Periodically all unclaimed items are sent to charitable organizations. Please label all articles of clothing and other belongings with your name. We do our best to return items with names on them.
You are given two breaks
during the school day, brunch and lunch. Students are responsible for providing
their own snacks and lunch. Egan does not have a cafeteria. The Student Store
sells light snacks and drinks at brunch and lunch. You may sign up to buy the
PTA-served "hot lunch"
which is served five days a week.
Lunch is to be eaten in the patio area or designated lawn area. In case of
rain, an announcement will be made to let you know where you can eat.
Parents may bring forgotten lunches to the school office. Please do not make
this a daily occurrence. It is the student's
responsibility to check the office
for their lunch. If lunches are not picked up by the end of the day, they will
be discarded.
Parents may only take their own student, and not other students, off campus for
lunch. Students must sign in and out in the office.
Remember - Pick up all litter!
Keep Egan clean!
Egan students conduct their one and only fund raising drive of the year, the magazine drive, in late September. We encourage each family to participate. Students sell new and renewed magazine subscriptions to earn money for Egan and to win exciting prizes. A Limousine Luncheon is provided for our top sellers. The student council uses the funds from this drive for school needs such as materials for the electives program, the physical education program, the school library, noon league activities, school dances, tutorial programs, equipment, and campus improvements. See Magazine Drive for more information.
Please buy and renew your subscriptions only from our Egan students! Please support the magazine drive!
The Student Council is the student governing body of the school. It consists of representatives from designated classes and officers. Elections are held each semester. The effectiveness of the Student Council depends on the way the "reps" communicate with their classes and how well they communicate with their "reps".
Student Council oversees School Improvement, Teacher Instructional Support, and the Eighth Grade Gift. Homerooms vote on all expenses greater than $100.00. The initial budget allots monies to support materials for the electives program (leadership, computers, chorus, and newspaper, etc.), the physical education program, the school library, noon league activities, school dances, and tutorial programs.
Every year the student body chooses and funds the school projects that are most important to our students. Last year, they purchased our new school sign in the front of the school, funded the hanging of our sports banners in the multi, and funded teacher requests for classroom support materials.
The Council puts your ideas into action! Get involved! Read more about Student Council.
Snacks are sold at brunch
and lunch at the Student Store. Students should be mindful of the rights of
others in line. Don't crowd, cut, or allow others to do the same. Be respectful
of students who work in the store.
The Student Store will be open provided the campus remains clean and behavior
is appropriate. Excessive litter and/or inappropriate behavior will result in
the Student Store being closed for a period of time.
Eighth graders may apply to Ms. Cullimore at the beginning of each semester for
the privilege of working in the Store. Block E points are awarded for service.
The school office phone may
be used only in case of illness or emergencies. If you are ill, please call
from the office.
Personal calls are to be made from the pay telephone. Phone messages for
students cannot be accepted in the school office (except in serious
Student's cell phones must be turned off and kept out of sight during the
school day. Phones will be confiscated and kept in the office if they are used
or ring during classes.
All students receive a textbook to keep at home (except for Spanish) and another for use in the classroom. All loaned books are to be identified by name in the front inside cover. You are responsible for keeping your textbooks secure, clean, and covered. Report lost textbooks to your teacher. You will be charged for book damage or loss. Report cards and diplomas will be held until books are returned or paid for.
Do not bring valuable items to school. If they are lost or stolen, the school cannot be held responsible. Money should be kept on your person or locked in your locker at all times. We recommend that you do not bring large amounts of money to school. The Student Store does not cash $20 bills.
Emergency Information — Student Profile Form
The Student Profile Form provides necessary information in the event of illness or an emergency. The form is turned in or updated at the beginning of the year and kept on file in the office. No adult may take a child from campus if they are not on the Student Profile Form. Keep names and numbers of emergency contacts current throughout the year. Send new numbers and address changes to the office as soon as possible.
It is imperative to have up-to-date emergency information on file in the office.
Emergency Procedures — During an Emergency
Your teachers will explain fire, earthquake, and
other emergency procedures. These drills are held regularly. Know the
evacuation locations for each of your classrooms.
A. If inside the building at the time of an earthquake:
- Move away from windows or other potential hazards.
- Get under desk or table or against inside wall.
- Assume drop position and be silent.
- Stay in drop position until given further instructions.
B. If outside the school building at the time of an earthquake:
- Get clear of buildings, trees, exposed wires, other hazards. The safest place is in the open.
- Assume drop position until earthquake is over.
- If on the way to school, continue to school. If on the way home, continue home.
If an emergency arises, remain calm and follow the instructions of the adult in
D. In the event of any disaster, students will remain under supervision
until released to parents or to an authorized person. An authorized person is
someone listed on the Student Profile Form.
Hearing and Scoliosis Screening
The hearing test for 8th grade students is in March. Scoliosis screening for 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys takes place during the Spring semester.
Any student who is required to take medication prescribed by a physician during the regular school day must have a form on file in the office which includes:
- A written statement from your physician detailing the method, amount, and time schedules by which such medication is to be taken and
- A written statement from the parent or guardian of the student indicating their desire that the school assist the pupil in the matter set forth in the physician's statement.
Forms are available in the office. The office does not stock and IS NOT ALLOWED to distribute any other medication to students.California Education Code 49423
AIDS Prevention and Sex Education Instruction Policy
Leslie, R-Lake Tahoe, requires school districts and governing boards to notify
parents of K-12 student at the beginning of the school year of any sex
education or instruction on AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases that
will be provided during the school year. If a student enrolls after the
beginning of the school year, the notice must be provided 10 to 15 days before
the instruction is delivered.
The bill requires parents to be notified of the date of the instruction, the
name of the organization or affiliation of each guest speaker and the venue for
providing the instruction, which may include the classroom or a school
Parents also must be provided with information stating their right to request a
copy of specified provisions of law relating to AIDS prevention instruction and
sex education.
Sexual harassment of students by adults or other students is prohibited. Any student who has reason to believe that they are being harassed should immediately report the harassment to the principal or another district administrator. Examples of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment include:
- Verbal comments, including flirtation, propositions, epithets, sexual slurs, threats, sexual jokes or stories, spreading of sexual rumors, overly personal conversation; or
- Actions, including leering, gestures, touching an individual's body or clothes in a sexual way, blocking movement or cornering, displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures.California Education Code 200-240
Drugs, alcohol or tobacco are illegal and are not allowed on campus under any circumstances. Any student determined by school authorities to be in possession of, under the influence of such a substance, or buying any such substance risks the most severe consequences allowed by the law and will be expelled.
Pedestrian and Biker Safety at Egan
Remember to use common sense as well as common courtesy when going to or coming from Egan.
Parents, if you drop off and pick up your student at school, please drive cautiously and considerately.
- Slow down and practice patience.
- Let students out of the car only from the lane closest to the school, not from the middle lane or third lane.
- When dropping off or picking up students, pull all the way to the curb so others can pass you.
- If you anticipate more than a quick drop off or pick up, please park in a parking place.
- Use the crosswalks when crossing the parking lot.
- When crossing, look for oncoming cars.
- Park only in marked spaces. In particular, do not park in the outlined area nearest the office. Parking in this area inhibits traffic flow in the parking lot.
- If dropping off or picking up students on Portola Ave, do so only from the school side of the street. We do not want children crossing traffic on Portola Ave.
If your children ride bikes to school, please remind them to pay attention and bike defensively.
- Be aware of surrounding traffic.
- Wear a helmet with the strap buckled.
- Ride single file so that cars can pass safely.
- Ride on the right side of the street.
- Do not enter a signal intersection on a yellow light.
- Walk bikes on the sidewalk if there are pedestrians present.
- Do not ride bikes down the ramp by the gymnasium and into charter school parking lot.
Students, parents and staff must all work together to ensure the safety of our students. Thank you for doing your part.
Honor Roll
Egan provides quarterly Honor Roll Assemblies to recognize students for academic excellence. This includes a slide show of all students honored for the quarter. Honor Roll recognition is as follows:
4.0 Honor Roll | GPA 4.0 |
A Honor Roll | GPA 3.7 — 3.99 |
B Honor Roll | GPA 3.0 — 3.69 |
Students honored receive a certificate and a metal "dog tag" for their backpack.
Viking Pin, Block E and Star Awards
Egan awards, collectively referred to as "Block E Points", are awarded to students who show exceptional achievement. You accumulate points towards the awards by attaining scholastic goals, for your service to the school, and for special achievements. Students are recognized at awards assemblies throughout the year.
Egan presents you with a Viking Pin when you have accumulated 12 total points from the categories show below. At 20 total points, you will receive a Block E letter ("E" for Egan). For each additional 12 points after receiving your Block E, you will receive a Star Award.
Records are kept by an Egan PTA volunteer as points are submitted by the Egan teachers and staff. Each student has a card with their points tally that can be viewed in the office upon request.
Teachers and staff have complete discretion on awarding points (from 1-3 per quarter) under the category "Teacher Recommendation". Any questions about your points should be addressed to the PTA Block E Coordinator or the teacher you are requesting points from.
In addition to these awards, Egan presents special awards at the end of the year to outstanding students. Students are recommended by their teachers. Many of these awards are sponsored by community organizations. Here is a list of the Special Awards.
4.0 Honor Roll (per quarter) | 3 |
A Honor Roll (per quarter) | 2 |
B Honor Roll (per quarter) | 1 |
"3 times" Honor Roll (1st, 2nd and 3rd qtr in same academic year) | 1 to 3 |
Elected Officer (per semester) | 2 |
Classroom Representative (per semester) | 1 |
Library Aide/Volunteer (per semester) | 2 |
Equipment Room (10-15 hours) | 1 to 3 |
Teacher Recommendation (per quarter) | 1 to 3 |
Teacher Assistant (per quarter/10-15 hours) | |
Student Store (10-15 hours) | 1 to 3 |
Campus Volunteer (10 -15 hours) | 1 to 3 |
Graduation Assistance | 1 |
Site Council | |
School Beautification (10-15 hours) | 1 to 3 |
Chair Crew (per quarter) | 1 |
Band (per semester) | 1 |
Orchestra (per semester) | 1 |
Jazz Band (per semester) | 1 |
School Production Participation | 2 |
Contest Winners | 1 to 3 |
Chess Club | 1 to 3 |
Chess Team | 1 to 3 |
Noon League (per sport) | 1 |
After School Sports (per sport) | 1 to 3 |
Sports Aide/Manager (per sport) | 1 to 2 |
Special Programs (i.e., Math/Science Contests) | 1 to 3 |
Elementary School Assistance (10-15 hours) | 1 to 2 |
Reading Project (assigned literature — 4 books) | 1 |
Los Altos Rotary Award
for the
best all around boy and girl. This award recognizes outstanding students for
achievement commensurate with ability, outstanding citizenship, and outstanding
service to the school.
American Legion Award
are given
to a girl and boy who demonstrate citizenship, courage, loyalty, and
Association Of California School Administrator Leadership Award
recognizes the student who is outstanding in
leadership and citizenship.
Los Altos Homeowner's League Award
recognizes a boy and a girl for high academic achievement and best community
Egan Citizenship Award
a boy and girl who demonstrate honesty, cooperation, courage, leadership, and
outstanding citizenship.
Douglas G. Bassett Award
recognizes outstanding citizenship, and consideration and support of other
Matthew Heroux Award
recognizes the
student who shows a love and enthusiasm for science.
Marcus Conservation Award
is awarded
to the student who has contributed the most to conservation and building
environmental awareness.
Thomas D. Landels Award
recognizes the top Egan scholars who have maintained a 4.0 GPA each quarter in
two years at Egan.
Rick Bullis Award
recognizes the
most improved boy who has demonstrated the greatest academic and social growth
during the two years at Egan.
Faculty Award
recognizes the most
improved girl who has demonstrated the greatest academic and social growth
during the two years at Egan.
Viking Award
recognizes students
that best exemplify Egan's motto: Vikings Strive For Excellence.
Service To Egan Award
the outstanding student who has contributed many hours of service to Egan.
Science Award
awarded to the
student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in Science.
Mathmatics Award
students for outstanding performance in Mathematics.
Sigma Math Award
is given to
students who achieve a gold, silver or bronze medal in the nationally given
math competition.
Outstanding Athletes Award
given to the boy and girl who demonstrate great athletic ability,
sportsmanship, determination, and school spirit.
Latham Art Commendation
acknowledges the student with outstanding excellence in Art.
Foreign Language Award
outstanding foreign language students in French and Spanish.
Culinary Arts Award
is given to
the outstanding student in Foods for team effort, participation, and
outstanding cooperation.
Computer Technology Award
recognizes an outstanding Computer Technology student.
English Department Award
recognizes outstanding English student.
U.S. History - Civics Award
recognizes an outstanding eighth grade History student.
Industrial Technology Award
recognizes outstanding Industrial Arts student.
Leadership Class Award
awarded to
the outstanding student in the Student Leadership Class.
Music Award
awarded for sustained
excellence in the field of music.
After School Sports Program 2007-2008
See the After School Sports Page for the latest schedules, coach contacts, standings and highlights at the After Sports Page.
Welcome to the Egan After-School Sports Program, which is run by the Los Altos Recreation Department with the support of the Egan Athletic Boosters and the Egan Student Council. This program allows participants to experience inter-school competition, team play, and sportsmanship. The program consists of a variety of after school sports for boys and girls. League and county-wide competition is included. A fee is charged for each sport.
Program Goals
The goal of our program is to provide an inter-school athletic program to as many students as possible. It offers sport-specific instruction and reinforces the principles of self-esteem building, self-discipline and conscientious sportsmanship by student-athletes, coaches, referees, parents and administrators.
Many thanks to our Board of Directors for all their hard work to make this a great program for everyone. We strongly encourage Egan families to join the Egan Boosters (pdf) and help us provide for the many needs of our sport teams as they compete throughout the school year.
During this school year, we will again be participating in the Valley Junior High School Athletic League, which includes schools in Los Altos, Mountain View, Cupertino, Sunnyvale and San Jose. We are pleased with our continuing relationship with these schools, as it has provided us with a wide base of competition for our after-school sports program. Here are league school directions (pdf) and the Insurance Form (pdf) for parents who provide transportation. Along with the insurance form, please bring your driver license and proof of auto insurance to the Egan office.
Tennis Program
The tennis program is a separate program run by the Mid-Peninsula Tennis Patrons, an organization that sponsors junior high tennis programs with a goal of stimulating interest in junior tennis. Annalies Geelan (948-1709) is the president of the Mid-Peninsula Tennis Patrons, and serves as the volunteer coach at Egan. The tennis team practices three times a week with matches on Fridays, beginning at the end of March and running through early May. The tennis team is usually coordinated by parent volunteers.
Sports Schedule, Practices, and Standings
Please refer to the Egan After-School Sports Handbook (a printable pdf file) for more general information about sports offered, tryouts, practices and games, participating schools, transportation, award dates, etc. Note: all dates in the Sports Handbook are subject to change--please check the sport-specific link above. We'll try to keep the website updated with the most up-to-date schedules for tryouts, practices, games, and standings for your favorite sport.
The City of Los Altos Recreation Department is always interested in speaking with individuals who might be interested in coaching or officiating during the school year. Parents are welcome to coach or officiate. Parents are also welcome to coach a team in which their child is participating. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please contact the Egan Athletic Director, the Los Altos Recreation Coordinator, or the Egan Athletic Boosters.
Donna Legge |
Ian Brand |
Grimm |
Brenda Dyckman |