Egan Junior High School Home Page


If your question isn't answered here, just ask a teacher or the office staff. For complete Egan Policy information, please read the Egan Handbook on-line or download it in PDF or Word Doc format.

Q: Does Egan have a dress code?

A: Yes, students are expected to wear suits and ties every day. Not really! Our campus fashion is casual, neat and appropriate for school. We do have a dress code and it is enforced.

Q: How much homework will I have per night?

A: It depends on what classes and teachers you have. On average, you'll receive 30 minutes of homework from each required academic class (English, History, Math, Science), with additional assignments from electives. You will have more homework if you take a language or if you are in an advanced math class. Here is more info about homework.

Q: What should I do if I'm sick and can't come to school?

A: Call the office at 917-2200 as early as possible, or ask your parents to call, when you know you cannot come to school. When you return, check in at the office for an admit slip BEFORE going to class. Here is more info about absences and tardies.

Q: Can I buy lunch at school?

A: Egan PTA has a hot lunch program that you can sign up for, but you must prepay for this program at the beginning of each semester. If there are extras, you can purchase one for a few dollars, but don't count on it because there may not be any extras. You can also purchase snacks at the student store such as drinks, cup-of-noodles, cookies and chips. Prices vary from $.25 to $1.00. We have hot water and a microwave for your use, too.

Q: What supplies do I need for classes?

A: Here is a list of supplies, plus your teachers will give you more information on the first day of class.

Q: Can I take the lock off my locker and put on my own?

A: No. The locks are not removable, they are built into the locker. Read this policy about valuables.

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Updated:8/9/13 1:48 AM