Get Involved To Help Make Egan Even Better
The Student Council is the student governing body of the school. It consists of representatives from designated classes and officers. Elections are held each semester. The effectiveness of the Student Council depends on the way the "reps" communicate with their classes and how well they communicate with their "reps".
Student Council oversees School Improvement, Teacher Instructional Support, and the Eighth Grade Gift. Homerooms vote on all expenses greater than $100.00. The initial budget allots monies to support materials for the electives program (leadership, computers, chorus, and newspaper, etc.), the physical education program, the school library, noon league activities, school dances, and tutorial programs.
Every year the student body chooses and funds the school projects that are most important to our students. Last year, they purchased our new school sign in the front of the school, funded the hanging of our sports banners in the multi, and funded teacher requests for classroom support materials.
The Council puts your ideas into action! Get involved!