Each science teacher will offer up to 5 points of extra credit for up to any 3 items on this list. Students may also receive extra credit for helping to organize these materials after school in the science storeroom instead of bringing in donated items. Students are encouraged to bring more than three Items.
- Plastic cups –clear variety only; -short cups are the best
- Food coloring
- Latex gloves
- Electrical Tape
- Glucose test strips – least expensive type, usually about $10 per box (not the type for testing blood used by diabetics)
- Waterproof clay
- Zip lock bags – all sizes
Pinhole Camera Photo supplies
- Stuff for pinhole cameras
- Fixer
- Stop bath
- Developer
- Safe light
- Photo paper – Kodabrome II RC (F-3)
Above supplies can be purchased at:
- Keeble and Shuchat Photography
- 290 N California Ave
- Palo Alto, CA 94301
- (650) 327-8996
More Science Wish Items:
- Eyedroppers (disposable ones are great like they have in biotech labs)
- Culture tubes (25 – 50 ml sizes only with fitting tops)
- Balloons – various sizes
- Copy paper
- Straws
- Stopwatches
- Sharpies – regular tip
- Light bulbs various wattage
- UVA / UVB lamps
- Foil
- Package of DVD's or CD's
- Blue Painters tape
- Duct tape
- Aquarium supplies: Aspen shavings, reptile bark, air pumps, plastic plants, lights, etc, ESPECIALLY THOSE EXPENSIVE LIGHT BULBS FOR AQUARIUM TANKS; we do not need any more aquarium tanks
- Van De Graff Generator
- Tesla Coil
- Interesting science books
- Fun educational games that have a science or logic theme for a teacher's desk
We also encourage cash donations to the science department. We use the money for miscellaneous purchases such as food for our fish and animals and lab supplies. You can send a check for any amount made out the Egan Science Department. Let us know and we can issue you a receipt for your tax records.
As you can see, the Chorus has been MOVED! The room is a wee bit sparse, and we are missing some equipment we previously had use of in the Music Room. We would appreciate the donation of the following items, new, or used and in working order:
1. A powerful Stereo System, that is loud enough to hear over 40 people singing.
- Needs to play both CD and Cassette tape
- And if we could record using this system, with or without a microphone (which we’d also need if that was the case), and dub tapes, it would be a great bonus.
- Best case scenario, the stereo would be portable enough that we could take it with us to use at an outside concert, but if there are components someone has that will build a viable stereo system, we’d gladly accept and use them.
2. Electronic Keyboard With or without stand. Again, volume is important, but something is better than nothing… sometimes they’re able to be hooked up to speakers (which, of course, we would also need!)
3. Posters of Musicals. If you have any posters of any-era Musicals rolled away in your closet that you know will never see the light of day again, let them line the walls of our Chorus Classroom, and brighten our day!
And if you can think of anything musical that we may be able to use, we’d gladly consider them!
Thank you so much for all your consideration, your support, and any donation you may send our way!
Many Thanks,
Egan Chorus