Effective: December 2007 - August 2008
In the Spring, 6th grade students and their parents will have several opportunities to learn more about life at Egan. The following is a list of important dates and events to help you ease into Egan. (**Dates not yet determined have been marked with a ** and will be updated as soon as the information becomes available.)
EGAN HOLIDAY FAIRE: Friday, December 14, 7:30am-1:00pm, Egan multi and library Prospective Egan families are invited to visit the Egan Holiday Faire, where enterprising seventh and eighth graders will sell handcrafted gifts and edible treats to the community. Students from Almond, Bullis, Covington, and Santa Rita often visit the Holiday Faire with their sixth grade classes to see first-hand how they can be involved when they are at Egan.
PARENT TOURS OF EGAN: PARENT TOURS OF EGAN: Wednesday, January 30 from 9:30-10:30am; Thursday, January 31 from 1:30-2:30pm; Tuesday, April 1 from 1:30-2:30pm; Wednesday, April 2 from 9:30-10:30am; Wednesday, May 7, 7:30-8:30pm. Egan will offer campus tours for parents in January, April, and May. Staff will present information about the curriculum and student life. Egan students will also give their perspective on life at Egan. The tour offers an opportunity to see the campus, observe classroom activities, and ask pertinent questions. Parents of students currently in the sixth grade and parents of new students are encouraged to attend a tour.
ALUMNI VISITS TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS: Week of April 28. A group of Egan students will be visiting their former elementary schools during the school day. They will talk to 6th grade students about their experiences at Egan and answer questions. All these students have volunteered to return to their elementary schools and are excited about sharing their thoughts on Egan. Egan students will visit Santa Rita on Monday, April 28, Almond on Wednesday, April 30 and Covington on Thursday, May 1. All visits begin at 1:45pm
STUDENT ORIENTATION: Friday, May 2, 8:30-9:45 am. Incoming Egan students will visit Egan with their 6th grade classes for a Student Orientation. They will hear a short presentation in the multi at 8:30am and then tour the school.
ELECTIVE CHOICES DEADLINE: Friday, May 9. Students must turn in their elective forms to their 6th grade teachers on this date.
BACK TO SCHOOL PACKETS: These will be mailed early-August. These forms will be turned in when students pick up their schedules on Schedule Day.
SCHEDULE DAY: Friday, August 15. Drop in between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm. Students and parents pick up schedules, turn in PTA forms and payments, find classrooms, try lockers, purchase PE clothes, and catch up with friends. Emergency form and student handbook agreement must be completed, signed, and returned before student can pick up schedule. This is a fun way to start the year.
IF YOU MISS SCHEDULE DAY: Parents are welcome to come to the office on Monday afternoon, August 18, or anytime on Tuesday, August 19 to turn in their Back to School packet and receive their student's schedule.
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: Wednesday, August 20 at 8:55 am. Wednesday is Egan’s usual late start day. Students should report to their homeroom no later than 8:55am. This is the first day of school for all LASD elementary schools as well.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Please browse the Egan website for further information. The website will be updated regularly.
You can find class supply lists, bell schedules, frequently asked questions, course descriptions, Traffic Safety and Safe Biking Routes and many more topics on the website to give you a better idea what to expect as a new Egan Student.